New Fleet Theme: Queen Clit's Revenge

The newest Fleet Theme is available! Deck out your ships with Captain Clit's latest conquest, The Queen Anne's Clit's Revenge. Of course, Captain Clit wouldn't acquire Blackbeard's vessel and not have a little fun with the paint job.

Captain Clit's decorating tastes run more to the iron and achromatic, over Blackbeard's gold and red. Cumplete with Captain Clit's Jolly Regina, The Queen Clit's Revenge is a must-have for all our Fuckaneers and Privateers alike.

QAR Fleet Theme
Like all of our fleet themes, purchase them with Black Gold, and apply them to any vessel slot or type, no matter your level. Includes a Sloop, Brigantine, Frigate, Galleon, and Man O' War.

You can always join our scraggly crew in Discord for more info, or if you want scurvy.

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