Carnal Stories is here! You can start your own spicy adventure now!

Hey everyone!

 Carnal Stories, a collection of erotic visual novels, is available!

🔥 Embark on a Heartfelt Journey: Immerse yourself in a captivating world filled with romance, drama, and meaningful connections. 

The game offers an unforgettable experience tailored for men who appreciate love stories that tug at the heartstrings.

🌹 What to Expect:
Engaging Storylines: Dive into a rich narrative with compelling characters and gripping plot twists containing a mix of sex, adventure and humor.
Stunning Visuals: Enjoy beautifully crafted visuals from realistic to hentai that bring the romance to life.
Choices That Matter: Make decisions that shape the course of your character's love story.

Make a journey into the world of romance unforgettable together.
🎁 Stay Tuned for Updates, and let the romance begin! 💕

Remember, this is a soft-launch and we need your feedback! 

Good luck on your journey!



Spankingdom KinkyPass

见见呻吟女士……亲爱的玩家们!我们热烈欢迎您加入我们的Spankingdom !这里的舞会由 Lina 统治,她原来是一只非常淘气的小猫!她已经穿上了特别的衣服,准备和你一起度过一系列约会。乳胶不仅突出了她的身体,还使她更强壮,所以收集所有碎片,你可以命令她穿上它!时间有限,赶紧和我们的女主人一起品尝禁果吧!

船长日志:风向标姐妹 第二部分

现在是时候将船长日志从床垫下拿出来重温过去的故事了! 这次《船长日志》冒险将带我们重温那些邪恶的 Vane 姐妹在穿越藏宝海湾时所展现的威力。看看她们如何对我们的船长施展诡计,并对我们的一名船员施以折磨。她们是每个人都喜欢憎恨的姐妹!如果你敢的话,快来亲自体验 Vane 姐妹吧。 3 个可收集的冒险场景1 个可收藏的...

深入野外:Uki 的北极魅力冒险正在等待您!

您好,亲爱的欲望大师们!我们非常高兴地宣布推出我们最新、最火爆的聊天室:“Uki 的北极魅力” 。系好安全带,因为格陵兰岛的冰雪大地正在升温,我们邀请您加入这场探险!狂野之旅正在等待您!我们亲爱的渔女 Uki 已准备好带您踏上一场无与伦比的亲密冒险。从冰冷的冰面到热气腾腾的温泉,每一刻都是一场感官的交响曲,一场...