黑暗之塔活动 16.02.24

👋 Hello everyone!

The Dark Tower event starts today.

🛠️ You will find the usual change in the final awards, as well as correcting the errors described by you during the events that have already passed.

  • A crash error has been fixed when receiving rewards for tower quests.
  • During the week, we added new ways to deal with dishonest players inside the CW. As a result, you will no longer see the unimaginable forces of the opponent on the cells you have captured.

❤️ Have a nice weekend, everyone!




偷窥别墅-后宫管理员智子可能认为她可以指挥别人,但有她担任你的顾问,每个人都偷懒了!女孩们需要多去健身房!立即加入 Voyeur Villa,参与“新方法”活动并解锁: - 1 块布币- 1 个神秘盒子- 故事新增两个章节, - 故事章节中包含两个 H 场景!不要错过!

馅饼比赛 新活动

咖啡女仆“老板,馅饼比赛快到了!我很紧张,因为我要考验我的烘焙技巧,我担心我的食谱会比不上其他人的!我们应该做什么样的馅饼?奶油……馅饼?”立即加入 Cafe Maid,参与 Hayayashi 的馅饼比赛活动并解锁: - 林的新服装套装- 她的故事又增添了两个新篇章, - 故事章节中包含两个 H 场景!不要错过!


🔥亲爱的玩家,今天有3 项热门活动等着您: Fapopoly、Forbidden Abyss 和 Sexpedition!准备好迎接肾上腺素激增和丰厚奖励吧!法波利任务、掷骰子和制作的新奖励!禁忌深渊更新的任务和关键奖励!远征新的战斗通行证将带来炫酷奖励!新天使:塞拉菲拉天使般的诱惑者正在等你!完成活动任务或双人礼包优惠即可获得她!双人...